These are funds with a mix of investments that are managed on your behalf. Just choose your preferred level of risk, and we’ll take care of the rest. It’s an account you can choose to hold your funds or shares to make them tax-efficient. If you’re investing in shares, you normally pay a fee every time you buy or sell them. There are many types of funds on offer, but an especially diverse option is a ready-made portfolio.
How much do you need to start investing?
If some of the investments in the fund perform badly over a certain period, others may perform well. If the company performs well (or is expected to), demand for its shares will generally increase – pushing its share price up. Companies sell shares to raise money, which they then use to expand their business. Investors (known as shareholders) are then free to buy and sell some (or all) of those shares on the stock market at any time. When you buy shares, you’re effectively buying a small stake in a company. If you have an HSBC current account or eligible savings account, you can start investing with a lump sum of £50.
Guide to investment goals
Investing is when you set money aside for the future and put it to work for you. When you invest, you’re buying into something you believe will increase in value over time. If the company does badly (or is expected to), its share price will generally drop. Interest rates and the wider economy can also have an impact on share prices.
Current accounts
You also need to be registered for online banking and a UK resident aged at least 18 years old. Then you can watch what happens to your investment – and invest more later if you want to. Remember – there are no guarantees, which means you could get back less than you invest.
- An emergency fund can give you peace of mind that you’d have some money available for the unexpected, without needing to dip into your investment fund.
- There are many types of funds on offer, but an especially diverse option is a ready-made portfolio.
- Discover how to create, track, and manage your investment goals in the app.
- These are funds with a mix of investments that are managed on your behalf.
- They are run by a professional fund manager who chooses which global investments to hold and monitors them on your behalf.
About HSBC
The key thing is to make sure you have some money saved up before you start investing. We recommend having an emergency fund to cover 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses. Discover how to create, track, and manage your investment goals in the app. Remember – the value of your investments can go up and down and you could get back less than you invest. This is the cost of receiving a personalised recommendation based on your circumstances.
What are shares?
This is a collection of investments, typically made up of shares, government bonds, property as well as other funds – often from different regions around the world. When you invest in funds, you’re buying a mix of investments, so you’re not putting all your eggs into one basket. The cost a provider will charge to look after your funds or shares, giving you access to the tools and resources on their investment platform.